Parts and Warranty Service | FORTNA

Services: Parts and Warranty

Quality parts and warranty service to ensure seamless system performance

When it comes to parts, details are critical. FORTNA makes it easy to quickly source the correct parts. Depend on genuine, high-quality OEM parts planning, ordering and warranty processing backed by FORTNA’s purchasing power and commitment to ensuring your uptime.

Save time and resources on replacing parts

Let FORTNA track down the parts you need and take the hassle out of filing warranty claims.


Warranty processing

FORTNA acts as a single point of contact for warranty claims processing and spare parts ordering. We keep track of the parts inventory, serial numbers and warranty expiration dates so you don’t have to.


Knowledgeable parts specialists

FORTNA specialists are available 24/7 to help you acquire even hard-to-find, genuine OEM replacement parts for virtually any piece of equipment. With our knowledge base of obsolescent and compatible parts, we ensure that parts you order through FORTNA work seamlessly with your equipment.

Let us help you find the parts you need to maximise uptime for your operations

Contact a Parts Specialist