Warehouse Optimization Case Studies - Distribution Trends | FORTNA


There’s Still Time to Optimize Your Operations for Peak

Discover how to tackle peak season challenges in your distribution operations. Learn key strategies for peak planning, labor management, system reliability and operational optimization to ensure uptime and efficiency during peak season.

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6 Solutions to Improve Warehouse Productivity and Efficiency

Discover innovative strategies to boost your warehouse productivity and efficiency. In FORTNA's guide to overcoming operational challenges, explore data-driven forecasting, advanced picking methods, inventory management and more.

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Boost Your AS/RS Performance

Expedite ROI and amplify benefits of automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) with consistency planning before implementation.

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Leveraging Automation to Solve Labor Challenges in the Warehouse

Discover how warehouse automation can solve labor challenges, reduce costs and enhance efficiency. Explore our FORTNA blog for practical tips and strategies to future-proof your warehouse operations and learn the latest trends and statistics.

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3 Steps to Operational Readiness

Organizations need to be operationally ready to ride the automation wave successfully in their distribution operations. This preparedness translates to a smooth transition for the entire organization. In this FORTNA blog, we'll explore the key components of operational readiness and how to foster change acceptance at all levels.

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Visualization of warehouse software analyzing inventory


When Is It Time for a Warehouse Software Upgrade?

For companies still relying on manual processes, the transition to automated software solutions can be a game-changer. Investing in the right software can revolutionize operations, leading to improved productivity, accuracy and customer satisfaction. Here are 7 signs it’s time to think about upgrading your operations with software solutions.

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diverse group of warehouse gig workers wearing hardhats


4 Ways to Maximize Gig Workers’ Impact in Warehousing

The utilization of gig workers is on the rise in nearly every industry, creating monumental shifts in the way we do business, and the warehousing space is no different. Learn the impacts of these workers and four key ways you can prepare your operations to overcome labor challenges.

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Optimize Your Distribution Operation at MODEX and LogiMAT

Optimize your warehouse operations to enhance distribution strategies, reduce dependency on labor and begin your supply chain transformation at MODEX and LogiMAT.

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How to Manage the Surge of Returns

With customer expectations and brand loyalty often hinged on customer-friendly return policies and easy return shipping, a clear and concise returns management strategy can eliminate unneeded waste and boost sales. Learn how to plan for returns effectively while leveraging automation, regardless of your distribution facility or network size.

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5 Ways to Elevate Your Supply Chain in 2024

As 2024 begins, supply chains are examining opportunities for optimization and improvement in areas like robotics, return management and data visibility. This FORTNA blog examines five key opportunities to elevate your supply chain in 2024 and beyond.

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5 Quick End-of-Year Ideas for Productivity Gains

In a challenging economy, warehouses can employ smaller, impactful warehouse-ready projects that can dramatically improve operations. In this FORTNA blog, we will review five quick, end-of-year ideas geared toward productivity gains in the warehouse.

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How a Goods-to-Person Solution Can Ease
Labor Challenges

With U.S. unemployment rates hovering between 3 and 4 percent and job openings at over 8.5 million, recruiting and hiring warehouse workers remains challenging. A goods-to-person solution can ease an operation's dependence on labor while optimizing processes, inventory management and order fulfillment.

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